Missionary Kids - September 2020


We pray that this update finds you growing in the grace of God. 

Regardless of where they serve in the world, missionary families usually say the same thing – their children are a special blessing and a big part of their work. As Christian families seek to live out their faith in whatever context God places them, living as a whole family on mission says something in a unique way to those around them. Children matter to the expansion of the Kingdom.

That said, raising children cross-culturally brings its challenges. Children who spend at least part of their growing-up years in a culture different from that of their parents are called Third Culture Kids. The gifts that TCKs bring to the table are not gained without a cost; there are definitely special challenges to raising TCKs while serving internationally.

This month, we are calling you to pray for the children of workers in the MedRim, Bengal, and Emerging Leadership Initiatives. These young men and women are living and serving on the frontlines of the expansion of the Kingdom of Light into dark places. It’s a privilege; it also means that they are targets for our enemy and therefore worthy of special prayer coverage. 

Consider praying the following, adapted in part from a list sent out in this month’s Messenger, MRN’s monthly newsletter for missionaries and missionary care.

  • Ask God to share His wisdom as the Father to know how best to parent TCKs in ways that point them to Him.

  • Pray for godly, encouraging friendships for the children of missionaries in the Initiatives.

  • Pray for physical protection, particularly right now as missionary parents face the same hard choices about educating their children in a pandemic, only with fewer educational options.

  • Pray for TCKs in transition. Even though their lives are filled with transition from one country to the next, milestones like moving, starting school, or beginning university are still significant to them.

  • Pray for the spiritual protection of TCKs from the power of the evil one. Pray that the enemy would gain no foothold over these children who are growing up in enemy territory.

  • Pray that these children would grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and those around them.

  • Pray that God’s Kingdom would come in part because these young men and women are spending this portion of their lives in service to the King.

May the Lord hear and respond to the prayers of His daughters and sons on behalf of His children!

 Pray that God will raise up servant leaders with the heart of Christ!
