Pentecost - June 2020


Greetings, faithful prayer partners!

Although many of us may have missed it, last Sunday, May 31st, was Pentecost Sunday. It marked the anniversary of the day on which God poured out His promised Holy Spirit on all believers.

Nothing was ever the same.

A scared group of outsiders, empowered by the Spirit of the Living God, catalyzed a movement that has infiltrated every walk of life and will never end until Jesus comes back to claim His bride.

What changed? What difference did the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost make?

  • Frightened, cowed disciples who once feared servant girls now stood up to society’s power brokers.

  • The dividing wall of hostility between the races having been shattered by Christ’s death, the Spirit prepared the church to be ministers of reconciliation among shattered and scattered peoples.

  • The Spirit enabled prophesies, dreams, visions, signs, and miracles as a part of making known that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 

Friends, we are this month calling you to pray that the Holy Spirit would keep breathing new wind and new fire into the Called, particularly those of our family scattered throughout the Mediterranean RimBay of Bengal, and Emerging Leadership Initiatives!

  • Pray against fear that cripples, that it would be chased out by perfect love.

  • Pray that Christians everywhere would not only speak of reconciliation between God and humanity, but that we would also live as ministers of reconciliation between people of different backgrounds, races, and colors. Pray that Christians would be known by their love and their unified stance with those whom society pushes to the fringes.

  • Pray for prophecies, dreams, visions, signs, and miracles to be poured out among Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists, and that thousands would soon be saved by calling on the name of the Lord. 

Pray that nothing will ever be the same. 
