Reaching Muslims - March 2020

Thank you for continuing on this journey of prayer with us for the millions of people who live in and around the Mediterranean Rim. God has declared that now is the time for the harvest season and for the people of the Muslim world to be brought back to Him. More Muslims have come to faith in Jesus in the last 15 years than in the previous 1400 years combined! And we are alive and have the privilege to see it and to participate in what He is doing!

However, this territory is not uncontested. Satan continues to do battle for the hearts of the beautiful men, women, and children of the Muslim world. It is time once again for us to kneel in reverence before the Father and wage war against the enemy through prayer.

Will you join us this month in praying for God’s great and beautiful Kingdom to come around the Mediterranean Rim?

The people of the Muslim world will soon enter a month long period of prayer and fasting called Ramadan from April 23 to May 23. During this time they will fast from sun up to sun down as a way to dedicate themselves to Islam and to gain God’s favor. It is a time of spiritual sensitivity for many Muslims. As they seek to draw close to the God they know and understand, please mark your calendar to join us in praying that God will reveal himself to those who are so earnestly seeking Him.

This video that will share more about what actually happens during Ramadan and ways that we can pray for our Muslim friends during this season. Please watch the video and join us in prayer as God prepares to draw many to Himself during this special season

Thank you for praying. God is answering and He is moving!