Praying for Turkey and Syria

by Andy Johnson

Prayer Coordinator and Worker Care Director

Early in the morning of February 6, a series of earthquakes began in the country of Turkey. With entire cities destroyed in southern Turkey and northern Syria, the death toll currently stands at over 46,000 lives lost. Damaged roads, winter weather conditions, and political instability have all hampered response efforts. We do know that millions of people will be dealing with the consequences of these quakes for years to come. Let’s take this month to pray together for these people created in God’s image who are desperately in need.

Here are specific requests we received from workers on the ground: 

  • May God provide more skilled workers in Turkey and help those who are caring for workers, the injured, and those displaced by the earthquakes.

  • May the city of Antakya, Turkey, which we remember as Antioch, be rebuilt in the name of Jesus.

  • May God bring more dreams and visions to people in Turkey who don’t know him, and then connect these people to believers.

  • May God wrap his arms around the Syrian children/early teens who have known nothing but war, severe famine, and sickness their entire lives.

  • May he develop servant leaders among the church leaders in Syria, and develop long-term servant leadership among these displaced people. May He make them wise as they manage and distribute funds given for relief.

  • May God use these tragedies for lasting Kingdom impact.

  • May we all prayerfully remember that this disaster is a marathon (not a sprint), and may God give endurance to those serving the injured, the grieving, and the displaced.

This is a beautiful song and prayer that can unite our hearts with the believers praying these words right now for their countries:

If you want to join financial help to your prayers, consider these options:

  • Turkish believers run a non-profit, First Hope Association, that has been working on the ground since the day of the earthquake. Among other things, they have been able to help set up a field hospital.

  • The Christian Holyland Foundation has a network of believing partners and friends in Syria. They are collecting and providing funds for the needs they learn about through the church leaders.

  • Healing Hands International is providing resources to local churches who are assisting with food supplies, rescue efforts, and temporary housing.

  • For those who would like to give to a church, you may direct your gifts to the Turkish church in Antalya in this way:

People International USA

PO Box 3005

Vancouver, WA 98668-3005

Gifts can be made by credit card online, by mailing in a check, or by telephone. Please note that it is essential for all donors to quote the Antalya Evangelical Church account designation number 935 with their donation. Otherwise, the gift will be counted as general giving to People International USA.

Thank you, friends. May the God of all grace show compassion on His Turkish and Syrian children!

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